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Phteah Keung
Similar to vernacular traditions in other countries of Austronesian origins,
houses for the more affluent in Cambodia differed from the ones of less wealthy
families only by their larger size and the presence of refined features (carvings
placed on door lintels, carved wood panels, etc.). The plan and the type of
house remained the same. Yet despite these similarities, Cambodia’s typology of
traditional dwellings does offer a unique feature- a dwelling type reserved for
a specific class in Khmer society. The phteuh keung was reserved for
high-ranking individuals [Népote, 2003, 105] Its hipped and gabled roof is
particularly distinctive and shares many similarities with palatial architecture
developed during Angkorian times. The flourishing court culture and bureaucracy
during the Angkor classic period, as epitomized by the khlon -a bureaucrat
appointed by the king in charge of col-lecting all kinds of revenues from the
people - is well known; as thou Ta Kuan mentioned,
houses of high-ranking individuals were distinctive in their features from
commoners’ houses, although he didn’t mention any particular roof shape that
these buildings may have had. A first clue on the possible origin from Angkorian
palatial architecture is provided by Georges Groslier who pointed out
similarities in propor-tions between the Angkorian stone vault and the modern
wooden timber roof structure as seen in structureslike kuti o r phteah keung.10
As i n Angkorian temples, where the central vault is buttressed by galleries on
each side, the two central rows of pillars of the house are partially relieved
of their load-bearing function by two lean-tos on both sides (below).
A more striking piece of evidence is found in the wooden roof structure
identified by Jacques Dumarcay in the bas-reliefs at the Bayon temple, which
shares a lot of similarities with the roof structure featured in the phteah
keung.11 Despite the two-dimensional representation of the wooden structure, the
roof structure is clearly a tiered roof with an upper section sided by a lean-to
(it is, however, impossible to know whether the lean-to was built on both sides
of the main gallery). This roof structure was also used for the construction of
the vihara Finally, a linguistic approach reveals the association of the term
‘keung’ (keng) with palatial architecture as the expression ‘roung keng dal’
means ‘hall adjacent to the palace’.12 The pkteuh keung was seldom recorded in
the research: only one house in Wat Kor (Battambang province) fully inventoried
and one in Preah Netr Preah district (Banteay Meanchey province) simply recorded.
The phteah keung in Wat Kor displays a roof structure very similar to that of
the vihara. The roof is divided in two sections, the upper part with two slopes
and the lower part with four (below). The house’s occupants confirmed that this
house form, which was traditionally associated with highranking officials, held
true in this instance. The original owner, Luong Sneha, was a high-ranking
official who worked for the lord governor when Battambang province was ruled by
successive Cambodian princes close to the kingdom of Siam from 1794 to 1907. The
original owner brought all the percious timber for the construction from the
neighboring forests, probably his property. The house is made up of three parts:
the main part (phteah keung), which was inhab-ited initially by the owner and
his family; the second part (phteah pét referred to by the interviewee as
phteah krachom), accommodating female servants; and the third part used as a
kitchen, a very simple structure with a two-slope roof. Shelters at the back and
front of the clusters of buildings which accommodated male servants have
now disappeared. The large scale and specific roof form of the main part are
clear indicators of the owner’s status, as are the refined elements and
furniture found in the main house. Reaching higher levels of refinement, a
wooden lattice had been placed under the roof structure inside the house to
conceal it and to function as a ceiling, a rare feature in private houses. The
reception space could accommodate up to 100 people for special ceremonies, like
kathen.13 In addi-tion to this reception space, three rooms within the
main house had been allocated as sleeping spaces for the family, each separated
from the others by a solid partition. Breaking from the traditional use of
wooden paneling, the walls of the house were made of bamboo lattice covered with
limewash (left). This final aspect confers on the building an official and
formal importance, similar to buildings of the colonial administration (right).
The cluster of buildings is still surrounded by a large dey phum, another
feature of the original owner’s status. The now badly maintained dey phum
is but a vague reminder of what it must have been initially, as numerous species
of age-old fruit trees still grow. A second phteah keung was recorded in
Banteay Meanchey but not inventoried, as Banteay Meanchey province was not part
of the three provinces surveyed (see p.42, bottom left). Much smaller in scale
and size than the phteah keung located in Battambang, the house was also
less refined in its features and consisted of only one room, with curtains to
divide spaces. The house is said to have been built by a
former mékhum It is now vacant, but the family is still
attached to the house, with the descendant living in a house nearby.
[content from "Wooden Architecture of Cambodia", www.khmerstudies.org]
Detail drawings made by DIL SE: