Kids' Club PPRattanakiriOverviewPagoda ghettoWooden House

The woman                                         DIL SE so far                                    Children


    The Woman                                                                                           (deutsche Version)












With "THE WOMAN" we don't want to favour women to men but only want to unveal their situation that is often in the background. Man and woman can't be separated and to take a closer look of a woman's situation involves also the consideration of a man.

We think women have to be set in focus because they hold an more active share of our future than one would assume. They have the most contact with children and therefore also a quite notable influence. She looks after all the needs of children and cares for their well being, so that they can lead a reponsible life later. Being in persistent interchange with their men und also environment they perform quite an impact Women are a source in the lives of everyone and when they are fine all the surrounding blossoms up.

Parents are the beginning for every life, and especially in Cambodia they are not considered as important but are celebrated as one's "first and nearest gods". Eachone of us is seen as a "Bodhisatva", a being who, if recognizing his true inner self, turns into a Buddha.

The nearest Bodhisatva to one who have already created much good Karma are parents for they have not only given life out of deep love but normally do take care of their offspring all their lives. For this reason all the thankfulness is dedicated to parents, not only for life giving but being a permanent strength, support and teacher in everyday life and in difficult life situations.

Especially a mother has a very active share in the life of a child, much more than a father could have, since as a breadwinner has to work outdoors. If his income doesn't last, a woman has to think about additional income so they can survive. However, if the man drops out in the process of supply due to death or  separation the mother is higly challenged in her new situation as Mutter and breadwinner.

It is amazing what strength and sweet temper at the same time these hard proved women show, when you see them in everyday life. No work is too much or too heavy. Not bitterness around eyes or mouth corners but quite the contrary a laughter in face and in voice: long mourning and grief only leads to fast aging. Better laugh about things and be thankful, it could have come worse.


































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The woman                                         DIL SE so far                                    Children

Kids' Club PPRattanakiriOverviewPagoda ghettoWooden House